On the Friday, we went to the circuit quite early, and simply stood outside the ticket office, and offered our tickets to passers by! The first couple thought they were fake, but after a little persuasion they believed us, but they didn’t have enough cash (they were paying by card). One chappie completely ignored us (his loss) and one chap was having his card swiped as we asked. Then we got lucky. An Australian chap was meant to collect some pit-lane passes, but they had not appeared. He bought both tickets for himself and girlfriend and was very pleased. A little later, they joined us on the stands, and were thrilled to see what good seats that had got, for ‘face value’. We had no interest in making money, simply in breaking even.
It was raining much of Friday, so we were all sat together, huddled under waterproofs and umbrella’s watching the practice. Saturday, Ed’s back was very bad, so we didn’t go, but on Sunday, we left home at about 7am, and went on the bike. Typical Spanish, no one goes anywhere early, so we were parked right near the front of the bike park. Later, I noticed that there were 4 huge car parks full of bikes, and then the cars.
The weather was very kind to us. A cold start soon warmed up, and I even ended up with sunburned arms and face. (You could see where my sunglasses had been!) The racing was not very close, but we were so close to the track, that we still enjoyed it. We took our time leaving (as usual) and had no holdups at all going home.
What we did notice, was, some new roadways that had recently been finished, had all of the roundabouts with a road going straight across. Ie, normally, it was a roundabout, but, when there was an event on, then the traffic simply went straight across – all supervised by police with whistles of course! What a brilliant idea!