It seems like quite a claim, but Canals, a small town only 5 miles from here had an entry in the Guiness Book of Records, for having the highest bonfire in the world. Not to be outdone, Rio subsequently took the record off Canals, but nonetheless, this was a tempting fiesta to visit.
Well, we popped along (with some neighbours) but there was no sign of anything outside the town. Sure enough, this spactacular afair took place right in the heart of the town, in a tiny square, right outside a church!
As we rounded the corner, into the square, there was a huge construction, looking and smelling like a christmas tree. A VERY TALL christmas tree, with orange branches at the top. This thing was huge. I couldn't beleive that it was going to be set on fire. Further examination revealed that all of the houses (very) nearby had special aluminium shutters over their windows and doors - and of course - the fire brigade were standing by! (That's ok then.)
At 9pm, the church bell rang, everyone shouted something I didn't understand, and then the fun began: People had been throwing sheets of paper around, and now we could see why... those nearest the 'tree' lit their paper on the firecrackers that were set off after the shouting, and, as the paper caught light, they pushed it into the tree. (So much for H&S stand 30 ft away.) Needless to say, the pine branches quickly lit, and within moments, the base was ablaze.
Now the fun started. As the tree began to burn, everyone at the front tried to get back. However, the square narrowed to a street, and there was a temendous crush as we were all forced back. The heat and smoke were tremendous, but most of it went straight up to start with. Then, it bagan to be blown towards one side. The firebrigade simply doused the buildings that were in danger and left this huge fire blazing.
It was very impressive. We watched for quite a while, and then, as the oranges finally caught light, everyone cheered. We managed to squeeze past on one side to get out, but then I felt someone brushing my jacket... Sparks had come down on me, but our neighbour had seen them, and brushed them off before they singed my jacket!
Great fun. Will go again next year!
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