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Now living in l'Olleria, south of Valencia

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


I know it's not much really, but I am quite pleased with myself!

I have been going to the swimming pool regularly (ie, 5 times a week) and on each occassion, I have swum a minimum of 1/2 mile. A quick calculation, and I have realised that I have swum the English Channel this summer! That is, I have totalled more than 21 miles so far.

The girl I go with (Tracey) was very amused, when I said "Hello France" as I touched the end of the pool at the appropriate time!

I suppose, to be more appropriate, I should have checked how wide the Strait of Gibraltar was. Well, it happens to be 14.24 km at its narrowest point, so I could say that I have swum to Africa and back!

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