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Now living in l'Olleria, south of Valencia

Sunday 17 May 2009

Tower of Strength

Last night, we had more free entertainment in the village. This time, it was the human towers that were being built! These are called Castells and are all performed without nets. The taller the tower, the more people there are at the base - partly for strength and partly for somewhere 'soft' for the upper levels to fall on, should the tower collapse.

A castell is considered a success when everyone has climbed into place, the enxaneta (the last one) climbs up to the top, raises one hand (with four fingers erect, said to symbolize the stripes of the Catalan flag), climbs down the other side of the castell, and then everyone else comes down safely.

There were several teams taking place, and I noticed that as each team completed their Castell, they quickly moved to add support to the other Castells that were being constructed. The entertainment was followed by a band - but as usual, this didn't even start until 12pm (midnight)!

(I know the video is quite long, and noisy, but it gives you an idea of how it all worked.)

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