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Now living in l'Olleria, south of Valencia

Saturday 26 February 2011

La Cima del Viento

There is a goecache in the middle of the windfarm that we have been to before, so I thought that Ed and I could run out and find it.

I had forgotten how windy the roads were ont he way there. At one point, Ed commented that it was a good job that there was very little traffic. He spoke too soon. Shortly afterwards, we encountered a huge truck loaded with tree trunks comming the opposite way. Thankfully, we met on one of the few straight bits!

As we got nearer to the windmills, we discovered that they were putting even more in, and re-doing the cabling, hence the removal of the trees. We saw some men in a very tall cherry-picker working on a windmill and they looked tiny in comparrison.

Finally, as we neared the windmills, the tomtom announced that we had reached our destination. Oh, not next to a windmill then? We scrabbled about in the undergrowth, as I tried to figure out which way to go. The tomtom wanted us back on the road, but obviously that wasn't right! Ed, however, seems to have a nose for these things. He spotted a likely site and within moments I heard him shout "I've found it!". His theory is simple... where would he hide something, that's where to look!

We have been very lucky with the weather on these hunts. I think in the summer, it would be very difficult to undertake some of these. Perhaps, in Spain, this is a winter hobby... we shall see.

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